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Claremont Towers ApartmentsWrite a Review

5160 Claremont Ave., Oakland, CA 94611

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$925 - $1,300
πŸ›Œ  1
πŸ›  1
πŸŽ“   10mi to San Francisco

⭐  RMA Score


πŸ›Œ   Bedroom


πŸ›   Bathroom


πŸŽ“  Miles to San Francisco

Location Details

πŸ“ 5160 Claremont Ave., Oakland, CA 94611

πŸŽ“ 10mi

Distance to San Francisco

πŸšΆβ€οΈ 30+min

EST. Walk to San Francisco

🚲 30min

Est. Bike ride to San Francisco

πŸš— 20min

Est. Drive to San Francisco

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I have a newly remodeled unit, and it's beautiful, BUT the building is old, and the walls and ceilings are PAPER THIN. I can hear every move my neighbor above me takes. He sneezes and it is as if he is in my own apartment. The landlord, Jared, is wonderfully nice, but paying this much money to live by myself seems ridiculous when I have to tip-toe around my own house so as not to disturb by neighbors and ask them to be a bit quieter ever month or so. If you don't mind noises, this is a great place. But if you need peace and quiet and serenity after a long day at school and rehearsals until ten, this is the last place you'll want to go to get a good night's sleep! I rented from winter '09 through winter '09. ...

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